Friday, October 02, 2009

Halloween : Costumes, Candy , Party Supplies and More > Clothing > Specialty Apparel > Costumes and Accessories

It's Halloween! Time to haul out the yard displays, crank up the Nox Arcana, don your scariest mask, put the cobwebs and spiders around the door, and prepare to give the costumed children in the neighborhood a little show with their buckets of candy, and their safety glowsticks! HA ha ha aha!

Seriously, Amazon has everything you'd want for Halloween from mild to wild. Fog machines, zombies, sound effects, vampire gear -- you name it, Amazon probably has it. It's time to find all those Elvira DVDs you need. There's so much, in fact I'm planning another Halloween post soon.

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Halloween Books

You can find books on just about any subject, which makes them a wonderful tie-in for a mixed department page like this one. While there used to be a specific "Nonfiction Halloween" category, I see than Amazon has just one Holiday Nonfiction category, apparently allowing seasonal sales to bring the appropriate books to the top. It might work.

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