Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Author Mania!

Even though the Dewey decimal system and Library of Congress taxonomies have categories for fiction writing, most libraries arrange their fiction books alphabetically by author. This is a very workable solution for most people. It's simple and straightforward and gives due weight to the fact that people who like an author's books are likely to read more of them. follows the same procedure ... sort of. If you search for an author's name, you will generally get some pretty good results but mixed with some extraneous "hits" on people with the same first or last names. If you drill down far enough, you may find that your favorite author is one of Amazon's featured authors, and you will find far fewer of these similarly named results on these category pages.

That was the inspiration for my Author Mania aStore. As I got furhter into it, I realized that there was a need for (at least) two more "author" stores, Author Mania II, and Author Mania Too. (Amazon aStores are limited to "only" 999 categories per store.)

•   Author Mania Too
          •   All Featured Authors
•   Author Mania
          •   American Literature Classics
          •   British Literature Classics
          •   Comics & Graphic Novels
          •   Horror
          •   Mysteries & Thrillers
          •   Sci-Fi & Fantasy
          •   Teen & Young Adult
•   Author Mania II
          •   Children's Books
          •   Playwrights
          •   Poets
          •   Romance