Saturday, February 25, 2006


After about a month of twiddling, it has become obvious that a Blog needs to be promoted like any other site for Google AdSense to make any money. Therefore, I've started what I hope will be an immensely popular Blog pandering to the least common denominator in the internet search universe, and called it Pop-Culture-Palooza. (Yes, I'm sure "Palooza" is sooo '80s, but that's the inside joke.)

This site, which is public of course, and indexed won't be promoted much, being more or less a "what's new" vehicle for other sites. Much like the old "Radio Free Huntsville" page, it may or may not "get off the ground." Generally, I wind up trying to put out fires and update links a lot more than I do chronicling the same.

It also has occurred to me that my ongoing battles with googlebot would be more appropriate for a SEO service, in which case they'd be "trade secrets." For now, at least, I'm going to "save them for the book." Those canny enough to "read between the lines" may still find my ineffectual struggles amusing

As always Read!

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