Monday, November 12, 2007

Amazon Books: Anesthesiology

My current focus is on producing a width-first index of that will make it easier for potential customers to find what they are looking for, but when someone asks me to recommend items on a specific subject, I'm only too glad to oblige.

Accordingly, I'm postponing other projects to produce this little guide to anesthesia, anesthesiology, and nurse anesthetist books:

Amazon categories

To begin, there are a number of Amazon categories that apply to this topic. Searching within the most appropriate category should give you better results.

Medicine > Specialties > Anesthesiology >
Medicine > Surgery > Anesthesiology >
Nursing > Specialties >Anesthesia >


I'm not a doctor. I don't even play one on TV, but I have been able to find some expert advice on this subject, which might otherwise be difficult to locate:

Medical Nursing -- (So many good lists it's hard to stay strictly on topic.) Local, Maxillofacial, & Dental


Some of these lists are a little old, so here are more recent editions of some of the featured anesthesiology titles:

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