Monday, August 24, 2009

Lijit Search

I've added a new Lijit Search form to this blog which I hope will make it easier to find content from a variety of places where I publish. I've been struggling to be found by the well-known search engines for some time now, but this service is a new one to me. Apparently it allows you to build a custom search engine using your social bookmarks.

It's a very different kind of crawler, and I'm still trying to sort out exactly how it works. It seems to rely primarily on RSS data, another technology I need to learn more about. I did an initial set-up about a week ago, and it's probably too soon to expect much from the search results, but it is possible to get search hits for specific keywords known to be near the top of the queue -- such as "vaporizer", for example. So I know it's working, I'm just not sure how well.

Additionally, I set up the embedded search results feature today, which requires a bit of JavaScript running on an assigned landing page. If you're reading this from a feed, that should explain the previous cryptic post. You have to be at the actual Whole Ed Cata-Blog site and enter a search term into the Lijit Search form in the blog template for results to be displayed.

I don't care much for blogs about nothing ("I'm sitting at my computer now, writing a post about the post I'm writing for my blog...") Therefore, I'll cut this short. I really just wanted to explain that last post to subscribers, and explain why the Lijit search results are as bad as they are right now. It just takes some time for me to figure out how to set it up efficiently, and to crawl the network.

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